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GNFPS vision is to create most admirable school of the city by promoting pupil's academic,technological,spiritual,oral and cultural development under the secure learning enviornment to prepare all pupils for the opportunities,responsibilities and experience of life.


Our Pedagogical Vision


  • Achievement and Attainment

  • Framework for Learning

  • Inclusion and Equality

  • Values and Citizenship

  • Learning of Life



The school has a first and foremost objective to impart quality education to the students in the most congenial environment which is essential for the holistic and all round development of the personality of a child which is capable of taking up ever emerging challenges with foresight  and self confidence. The school education aims at achieving the following objectives.


  • To Include in them the spirit of co-operation , team-work , sense of belonging and competitive nature.

  • To develop appeasing manners and etiquette, habit of independence, self control, cleanliness and social behavior.

  • To become an idea person of principles and actions.

  • To strive continually for excellence in the field of their choice.

  • To develop the secular and national outlook.

  • Physical growth and proficiency in games and sports.

  • To develop love for nature, the importance of hygienic surroundings and the necessary steps to protect it.

  • To imbibe the moral values in life.

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